Climate Tech Investment Summit

Climate Tech Investment Summit - April Edition 2024

Day 1

What does it take to invest in impactful climate technologies? by Green Artha

Panel talk on need for innovative funding models and types of support needed to invest in and accelerate critical climate technologies.

Climate Tech Pitch Event

An exclusive invite-only pitch event, where a cohort of innovative early-stage Climate Tech startups, proudly rooted in India will present their groundbreaking solutions.

Day 2

Seeders Pitch Event

An invite-only pitch event, where innovative early-stage climate tech startups will present their solutions to angel investors and family offices.

Day 3

Masterclass on Climate Tech Investing - Level 1

This masterclass is for investors who are looking to invest in early-stage climate tech startups and will cover topics such as fundamentals of the climate tech investment landscape, current trends and outlook for specific sub-domains, etc.

Day 4

Day 5

Averting India's Water Crisis

A panel discussion on how to avert India’s water crisis, and the role startups and investors can play in this.

Deeptech Insights

Third Derivative (D3) and Climate Collective Foundation (CCF) are developing a first-of-its-kind research report investigating the state of deep climate tech entrepreneurship, innovation and capital deployment in India. The event will begin with a presentation of our findings, followed by a panel talk engaging other experts on the nuances of the deeptech startup ecosystem in India.

Day 6

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